5 Star: Biggest Ad Campaign in History

Bhargav Kumar Gokavarapu (Goku)
2 min readNov 15, 2022


5 Star has been one of the successful chocolate brands in India from past 3 decades. Before going to all this, you must be wondering why on Chocolates again?

Ah! What can I say, the new commercial was just brilliantly made.

So, Cadbury first introduced this brand to India in the late 1960s, and then Cadbury used the Ansoff Matrix and decided to go with Market Development, expanding their market into countries such as Brazil, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Cut this crap!

Just appreciate this commercial they released this month.

Source: Cadbury 5 Star India

Let’s talk about it.

The Storyline begins by showing the huge amount of cash that other chocolate brands are investing on advertising every year. When it comes to 5 Star’s budget, its NOTHING. Ogilvy has brilliantly simplified the brand’s 5 Stars logo into a graphic. So that it is visible everywhere you go, every site you visit, every time when delivery apps ask for a rating, the logo appears by doing NOTHING. This means that every brand in the planet will end up resembling the 5 Star’s logo by doing NOTHING.

The #5StarsEverywhere campaign cuts through the high-budgeted commercials that other brands invest in. They cleverly hijacked every platform in the world by turning it into a commercial for 5Star. They simply jumped through their one opportunity and, it turned out to be novel.

We have seen how 5 Star has evolved over the past 2 decades especially with the Ramesh and Suresh ads. I still remember watching those ads with a little laughter on my face. What I liked about these commercials is that they correspond to the process of eating the chocolate, which is chewy. The key messaging here revolves is the leisure eating. That is where, 5 Star positioned themselves in consumer minds. This demonstrates why you should focus on developing the Brand Image for the organisation. It helps you build customer relationships and brand loyalty. Here, 5 Star has created the image very well with its advertising focusing on“Leisure Eating” concept.

Do you agree with me?

